See When Calls Peak: Public Safety Call Volume Dashboard in Power BI

Data is vital for public safety agencies, helping them understand crime patterns and allocate resources effectively. This blog post will guide you through creating a Power BI dashboard to visualize call volume trends, focusing on day of the week and hour of the day. This can help identify peak call times to optimize staffing and response strategies.

Step 1: Gather Your Data

The first step is obtaining a dataset containing call for service information. This data, typically from your local law enforcement agency, might include:

  • Date and Time of Call (critical for this dashboard)
  • Call Type (e.g., theft, medical emergency) (optional)
  • Location (optional for this dashboard)

Ensure your data is formatted correctly for import into Power BI Desktop. Common formats include Excel spreadsheets or CSV files.

Step 2: Importing Your Data into Power BI

  1. Launch Power BI Desktop on your computer.
  2. Click “Get Data” in the Home ribbon.
  3. Choose “From File” under import options.
  4. Browse to your data file and click “Open.”
  5. In the navigator window, preview your data. If it looks accurate, click “Load.”

Step 3: Building Visualizations

We will create two visualizations:

  1. Heatmap: This will show us call volume across the day of the week (X-axis) and hour of the day (Y-axis), with color intensity representing call volume (darker shades indicate more calls).

  2. Optional: Column Chart: This can be added to display the total calls per day of the week.

Here’s how to create the heatmap:

  • Click on “New Visualizations.”
  • Select the “Heatmap” icon.
  • Drag “Day of Week” to the “Axis” box in the Fields pane.
  • Drag “Hour of Day” to the box below “Day of Week” in “Axis.”
  • Drag “Count of Call ID” (or similar call volume field) to the “Values” box.

To add a column chart (optional):

  • Click on “New Visualizations” again.
  • Choose the “Column Chart” icon.
  • Drag “Day of Week” to the “Axis” box.
  • Drag “Count of Call ID” (or similar call volume field) to the “Values” box.

Step 4: Constructing the Dashboard

  1. Click on the “Dashboards” icon in the left navigation pane.
  2. Click on “New dashboard.”
  3. Name your dashboard “Public Safety Call Volume.”

Pinning Visualizations:

  • Open your heatmap report (and column chart report if you created one).
  • Click the top right corner of the visualization canvas (three dots).
  • Select “Pin.”
  • Choose the “Public Safety Call Volume” dashboard and click “Pin.”
  • Repeat for the column chart (if applicable).

Step 5: Polishing Your Dashboard

  • Resize and arrange the visuals for optimal viewing.
  • Click the top of the dashboard and enter a title like “Call Volume by Day and Hour.”
  • You can add a text box summarizing key findings (e.g., “Most calls occur on Saturdays between 10 pm and 2 am”).

Optimizing Public Safety with Data Visualization

This basic dashboard provides valuable insights to public safety agencies. By identifying peak call times, you can:

  • Strategically Allocate Resources: Ensure adequate staffing during high-demand periods.
  • Proactive Policing: Target patrols to deter crime in areas with high call volume times.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Make informed choices based on call volume data.

This is just the beginning! As you gain experience with Power BI, explore creating more intricate dashboards with additional insights to enhance response capabilities and create safer communities.

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